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To: AnAmericanMother
I don't know if this Bishop is a liar or are liars. What I do know is that I've never been attacked by anyone with such passion in all the years I've been on FreeRepublic, and that reflects more on you than it does on me. Your responding posts have probably made more people curious to find out what the fuss is all about.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Bayside got me praying the Rosary, whereas the Church drove me from doing it. The Church itself drove me away from being "an ardent Catholic." That is just a fact and a result in my life, and in the lives of many who have credited Bayside--and Medjugorje--for bringing them back to seeking the Lord with fervor.

You are welcome to call us all liars or deluded by the Devil if it makes you feel better. You have said your piece, so our blood is not on your hands. If I'm technically excommunicated from the Catholic Church, that's already happened by my marrying a divorced Protestant. I've made my Confession and they haven't thrown me out.

God will use who He will use, whether the Church sanctions the visions of Mary or not. They are worldwide--Bayside is just one of many. The message is always the same: Mary points to Her Son as the Supreme Authority and to do what He tells us. When He wants to put a stop to all of it, He will.

Meanwhile, pray the Rosary and be blessed, and thank you for the free links.

82 posted on 09/19/2008 11:07:31 AM PDT by pray4liberty (It's the smile that keeps me out of trouble.)
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To: pray4liberty
If you think that's a passionate attack, you haven't spent much time around here.

It was a measured, factual response to your own words.

If you're uncomfortable with that, I'm sorry. I see that you have other reasons to be unhappy with the Church, and I am sorry for that also.

I'm happy to pray for you, and I'm glad you're praying the Rosary.

83 posted on 09/19/2008 11:22:17 AM PDT by AnAmericanMother (Ministrix of ye Chasse (TTGC Ladies Auxiliary, recess appointment))
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