People like this make thier LIVING promoting Racism.
And then they whine about how we live in such a “Racist” society.
Quite frankly, it’s sickening to read a screed like this, and realizing that he’s using Racism as an EXCUSE for Obama’s failure.
Øbama is going to lose in a landslide because of RACISM.
The RACISM of the democrat party, the party of slavery, segregation and the KKK.
Look at the polls, our base is going to vote the way it always votes, even though there is a WOMAN on the ticket and our opposition to Hillary was because we were “afraid of strong women”.
The big swing in this election is that the DEMOCRATS are crossing over to vote for McCain/Palin, obviously because of racism./s
We will have an opportunity to bring some black voters back to their natural party, the Republicans.