To: floriduh voter; PhilDragoo
“Michele’s ABSENT. Why doesn’t the media talk about that?????? “
Also, has the left wing MSM ever really said anything about Michele’s parents. The absence of any news about her parents raises suspicions about her parents.
Why hasn’t the MSM vetted Michele’s long time relationship with the Black Racist, Je$$ie HiJack$on, his daughter. Je$$ie is the poster lad for Community Organizers along with Al $harpton.
Last but not least, why hasn’t the MSM vetted Michelle’s relationship with Louis Farrakan’s wife?
667 posted on
09/16/2008 6:12:24 AM PDT by
Grampa Dave
(I do not want to know the type of person, who does not like Sarah Palin!)
To: Grampa Dave
Why hasnt the MSM vetted Micheles long time relationship with the Black Racist, Je$$ie HiJack$on, his daughter. Je$$ie is the poster lad for Community Organizers along with Al $harpton.
Last but not least, why hasnt the MSM vetted Michelles relationship with Louis Farrakans wife?
You have to ask? The only way the media will break any negative news about the Obamas is if they are forced to. In other words, after the internet breaks the story and it's been around for three or four weeks.
To: Grampa Dave; floriduh voter; potlatch; devolve; MeekOneGOP
674 posted on
09/16/2008 12:45:40 PM PDT by
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