To: Miss Didi
Obama's words : " I certainly don't fault Senator John McCain for these problems, but I do fault the economic philosophy he subscribes to, because it's the same philosophy we've had for the last eight years. "
Obama when you said " I certainly don't fault Senator John MCain for these problems " ...... you knew what you are doing you slime ball.
How come you just could have said " McCain's not at fault ? .... no.. you have to ad to it " I - CERTAINLY ? - don't - fault - Senator - JOHN - McCain ".
Or ? you could of just said " I don't fault Sen. McCain " ....
Except one thing Obama ?
Joe Biden in his attack on President Bush basically said that John McCain is just more of the same of Bush 43 and John McCain would be Bush 44.
Your statement would have held water if you had not had TV ads, rhetoric, talking points through out your campaign trying to tie John McCain with your rhetoric of BUSH's failed 8 years.
To: Prophet in the wilderness
It is clear from your post and Barry’s speeches that he hates capitalism. It’s still the best system there is but a president who hates capitalism? Perish the thought.
662 posted on
09/16/2008 5:05:16 AM PDT by
floriduh voter
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