If I could just see one poll with McCain ahead in CO, OH, and VA at the same time, I’d do the happy dance.
Me too. But the trends are going our way and Obama is only digging the hole deeper.
Did you see the moonbat anti-Palin hunting ad that they’re playing in Ohio yet? lol...that’ll help matters too! lol
Karl Rove was on TV today and said he feels confident VA and FL will come through for McCain. So obviously the GOP interals are showing good things with those two states.
Ohio also appears to be trending towards McCain. But Obama is campaigning hard there. So we cant call that one safe yet.
The race is coming down to Colorado unless we can pick off a blue state. And right now McCain is within 3 points in 6 blue states. So it is possible.
I think VA will return solid red (it should be blue - incumbent party used to always be blue, out of power party red) sooner rather than later.