The NRA is now making Communists? Or did you mean NEA? mistake, it is NEA..the organziation controlling teachers. To be clear I am a former College Instructor, who taught college classes in High Schools locally for college credit, so my exposure helped me see the ludicrous control over curriculum.
Also FoxNews has a list of LIBERAL Bias in U.S. History Textbooks, that have perverted historical truth especially about Reagan. I copied the list for distritbution, and every parent should know what is being taught in the school system. If we expose these liars, then there will be possiblity of getting these textbooks banned.
In studying History we must remember that Khruschev said “We will take America without firing a shot”, and then they began sending those Communist teachers to America to teach our students from First Grade to Doctorates...and he has succeeded beyond belief. One of reasons they pushed learning English in Soviet Union classrooms early on.
Thanks for pointing out my error.