I think Charlie blew it. How can the MSM say she’s “on the Bush team” when she doesn’t even know what the “Bush Doctrine” is?
Wouldn’t it be funny if Bush’a approval rating went up to say maybe close to 40% right around the election time. That would mess up Obama.
Charlie Gibson is a moron. He sits there with his glasses low on his nose, looking down at “the little woman” and then asks a question to which HE doesn’t even know the answer.
And as you said, how can they be “Bush III” if she isn’t even “aware” of what THEIR (MSM’s) definition of “The Bush Doctrine” IS?! There is NO SUCH THING AS “THE BUSH DOCTRINE!” It is a FABRICATION of the far Left. This is the name that THEY gave to the ideas that Bush held that we would go after terrorists, and we would go after Countries who harbor them. It was NOT a doctrine. It was a STRATEGY devised at the time to deal with those who perpetrated 9-11.
BTW — Charlie Gibson is the loser that Madonna once told, live on the air, that he needed to trim his nose hairs.
You can dress a pig up in a suit and call it a news commentator, but it’s still Charles Gibson.
Snort . .
How can the MSM say she’s “on the Bush team” when she doesn’t even know what the “Bush Doctrine” is? - They just keep on digging that hole out and will soon be in China, with all the socialism and Communism they want.
That was my thought too.
The left can’t have it both ways when they make the ridiculous case that she didn’t know what the Bush Doctrine is.
- McCain / Palin is a direct extension of Bush / Cheney (”more of the same”), the # 1 Obama talking point. In which case she would exactly parrot the Bush Doctrine
- McCain / Palin are mavericks not tied to Bush / Cheney, in which case she isn’t promoting the Bush doctrine.
Which is it?
The MSM are incompetent lemmings.