Daughter in TN said prices posted at midnight will be around 5 bucks a gallon and she’s heard reports of rationing there, as well.
The lady at the restaurant I was at this evening said 2 or 3 stations were out of gas in Sumter. I hope this is a localized thing.
Cars jam gas lines here in Ike panic
Published: Thursday, September 11, 2008 at 8:17 p.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, September 11, 2008 at 9:23 p.m.
Cars jammed gas pumps Thursday night as motorists tried to fill up, apparently in anticipation of a gas shortage or price spike in advance of Ike’s expected landfall in a major refining area in Texas.
Emergency management officials, however, said there was no reason to fear a shortage and cautioned against a panic that would create one.
“I think people remember some of the gas issues after Katrina and they’re just kind of anticipating that,” said Henderson County emergency management director and fire marshal Rocky Hyder.
Cars lined up six to eight deep at stations throughout the area, including the Wal-Mart station, the Quality Plus at Etowah and the Ingles on Spartanburg Highway. Gas was as low as $3.59 at QP and Ingles but $3.75 and up at other stations.
“I think people are just making sure they fill up,” Hyder said. “I talked to my counterpart in Macon County and they’re experiencing the same thing.”
Although Hurricane Gustav caused some supply disruption, Hyder said emergency management officials have not been told of any disruption so far from Ike.
“This type of situation can be a self-fulfilling prophecy,” he said. “If they go out and fill up everything they have, it can create a shortage.”