reason needs a new science correspondent.
I think that if someone taped Al Gore's mouth shut, then global warming would cease.
Global warming? How about global cooling?
Corporate Irresponsibility: Dow Chemical Promotes Climate Hype Instead Of Drill, Drill, Drill
Global warming on Free Republic
I think that I shall never see,
I poem lovely as a drilling rig....
by a forgotten Texan poet
Energy and climate change are intertwined because burning fossil fuels that power the modern world produces carbon dioxide emissions that are warming the planet.No, it doesn't.
In addition, higher oil prices have raised concerns about the nation's energy security.NOW we're gettin' somewhere.
The GOP platform declares, "In the long run, American [energy] production should move to zero-emission sources, and our nation's fossil fuel resources are the bridge to that emissions-free future."BTW, that means "drill! drill! drill!"
The Democratic platform only pledges to "implement a market-based cap and trade system to reduce carbon emissions by the amount scientists say is necessary to avoid catastrophic change.""Market-based cap and trade" means government decrees, companies which don't pollute (or as much) selling their share of the emissions limits to companies which need more -- leading to no net change in pollution, but it makes the Demwits look like they're doing something about something, when in fact they're not. It helps make Al Gore rich.
Excerpt: "As a skeptic of government action, I had hoped that the scientific evidence would lead to the conclusion that global warming would not be much of a problem, so that humanity could avoid the messy and highly politicized process of deciding what to do about it. Unhappily, I now believe that balance of evidence shows that global warming could well be a significant problem. Since it doesn't seem pertinent to the purpose of this column, I will leave the policy discussion of how to handle man-made climate change to another time."