That is why we need someone in the Whitehouse like Sarah Palin who isn’t afraid to use the veto pen on spending.
Unfortunately, somehow the courts decided that the “line-item” VETO was unconstitutional....
The problem is that in order to get Palin we have to go through McCain.
Much damage can be done before a fiscal conservative gets in...enough damage that even the best can't really do much more than let the system collapse under its own weight.
The line item veto is rightfully unconstitutional. The veto power pertains to the whole bill, not parts of it. There are obviously aspects of the line item veto power that are appealing such as trimming pork etc. however there are dangerous aspects that go along with that power. Basically a line item veto insures that the president gets what HE wants out of a bill. If in the case of a bipartisan compromise bill, a president should cut out all the things one side wanted that made the bill a compromise, where would the incentive be to ever compromise on a bill?
The line item veto gives the president a certain degree of legislative power since he is in effect editing the bill that comes from Congress rather than approving or rejecting the bill. Congress legislates and the president enforces.