Let us return to the days of yesteryear, the days of yore, the days of legend in the old west.
What if, just if, anyone was allowed to carry, openly or concealed, anywhere?
How many places do you believe the VT killer would have found where no one was carrying a weapon?
I am a great believer in the old saw of, "An armed society is a polite society"
Could he have killed some people? Yes
Would he have killed as many? I seriously doubt it.
“Let us return to the days of yesteryear, the days of yore, the days of legend in the old west.”
Doesn’t work for me at all. EVERYBODY (OK, that’s an exaggeration) then, including some really bad guys and law enforcement types who were awful, carried guns. Although it’s allowed in my state, I have no desire to see every other person in my city carrying a gun on his or her hip.
“I am a great believer in the old saw of, “An armed society is a polite society”
I know that movies and old tales of the West are often exaggerated, but I see no evidence anywhere that those armed societies were polite or safe ones. Can you provide real evidence to the contrary? Even societies today that are heavily and obviously armed (many Muslim and African countries) seem without exception to be dangerous and incredibly impolite.