What doesnt make sense to me is a poll showing Gov. Crist has a 61% approval rating and he won the governor election pretty easily.
But the polls are tied with McCain and Obama? Either the polling is bad one way or another, or the demographics are really funky (ie: Dems voted for Crist and now voting Obama).
in a race where race is an issue i believe the favorable ratings will demonstrate obama has no chance
remember obama has around 95 percent favs amongst blacks
factor in mccain and crist likely have around ten percent and you can see the lack of support for obama and the high percentage of support for mccain
race will trump everything here for these white democrats
mccain is the luckiest pol alive he had no chance against clinton but i believe either me or you could beat barack hussein obama
this is an in your gut election
deep down in ones soul is where many are going to be voting from