I agree. While this is a delicious sound byte, it really doesn’t fit the bill as a true “freudian slip”. He was trying to say that McCain hasn’t made allegations of him having a muslim faith.
Still, given that we are supposed to believe how brilliant an orator he is, and how his incoherent ramblings are the product of his genius, nuanced intellect, his campaign will be forced to address and control this damage.
I have yet to meet the Christian who accidentally references himself as a Muslim.
There is a difference between saying “the Muslim Faith” and “My Muslim Faith”.
Words matter, as Barack so finely reminded us yesterday.
You get it, I think.
Guy’s a dope, not a brilliant anything. Maybe reader. Maybe memorizer. Just get him off script, even in a softball interview and watch what happens.
I been thinking: Has he been blowing a lot of lines (no pun) since Sarah blew by him in popularity? Is this guy shaken?