They should take all of those flags, put them on sale, and donate the proceeds to various organizations such as the Navy Relief Fund, etc.
I would pay $10 at least for one.
About 12,000 Colorado R's have them now (my family got 4) and we will tell that story every time they come out. They are in good hands.
Great idea. Pull a “Rush vs. Harry Reid” on them - $10 apiece with funds going to help families of servicemen killed serving their country. Let’s see the Obama campaign complain about that...
So would I, if I had assurances that it was first cleansed by being flown or displayed a McCain/Palin rally. I don't think I'd want a DNC rally flag otherwise.
Maybe auction them oin eBay. (Governor Palin knows something about that.) Send the proceeds of acouple of them to Gerge Hussein Onyanga Obama. Show up how Obama's compassion doesn't even extend as far as his half brother.