This woman is destroying them, she's driving them insane, they are all going right over the cliff. This is a fascinating phenomenon. There is something deep and visceral here, far beyond Sarah Palin. She has brought out something so visceral and deep seated and ugly in the left that I am just stunned watching it all unfold.
I wish I knew what it was. Is it the fact she's a woman who doesn't fit their mold and threatens their identity politics like Clarence Thomas did? Is it the fact she's an outsider who isn't part of the Georgetown set and cocktail circuit? Is it the fact that she is a Christian, or that she's a truly independent woman who thinks for herself and goes her own way?
Whatever it is, I can only quote Spock, "fascinating..."
Good post!
I have said everything you have ever since Sarah was picked-I have never seen such a blatant outright display of not only bias but hyposcrisy of the media and whacko left. I absolutely refuse to talk politics at work but I can hear them whispering, giggling, and making fun of Sarah, her hair, her glasses, her clothing, etc.
What bothers me most as a woman is the outright sexism of the left by both men and especially, women. I guess you cannot be a strong feminist woman, have a career and family, unless you are Democrat and pro-abortion.
Heck, wasn’t Gloria Steinem quoted as saying, “The only thing she has in commom with Hillary is a chromosome”. Well, PRAISE GOD that’s all she has in common with her!