Next up is the FY08 operating budget, and indeed, it only shows $3,156,000. Heres the part DK and OB forgot to mention: the Alaska Challenge Youth Academy is a separate line item in the operating budget - to the tune of $5,709,000. The funds total $8,865,000, an 7.26% increase, not a 62% cut.
The FY09 Operating Budget has the same separation. Add them together again, and you have $9,214,900, 3.95% more than FY08 and 11.49% more than FY07. Again, not a 62% cut.
This is something the NR@DK could have easily checked just by looking at the Alaska State Budget website and making a few clicks. Ms. OBrien could have also checked this out in less than an hour if she had bothered to actually work at her craft rather than ball up bad numbers from Daily Kos and fling them with glee on unsuspecting campaign officials.
Burned by KOSsacks again. The media will never learn.
Since this rumor most likely began at DK or by those types who spread stuff there, it is unlikely that any of them even know how to read a budget report.