yeah eyeCandy Crowley knows what the rest of America is like
One of the best reactions from the media was Andrea Mitchell, who looked like she just had been lobotomized. Instant depression Palin style lol.
To the elite media, you have to understand, the flyover people are all dumb nitwits, so it was quite a schocker for them to see a bright, witty, professional politician up on that stage.
The media thought they were getting a pest PTA volunteer, what they got was a right cross to the chin and they are now taking a standing 8 count.
Harsh! has she never heard a political speech before?
Mort is not a rabid lefty and is generally pretty reasonable, although every once in a while he comes out of left field. I guess I would say I would agree with him about 60% of the time, as opposed to agreeing with Fred Barnes and Charles Krauthammer about 90%-95% of the time.