you're making assumptions... you've made the assumption that Trig will not be well-cared for... you've made the assumption that even his father will not be around because he's going to continue his current job... yes, you are like big libeal government... you know what's better for this particular family than they do... even though they've thought about it and have made decisions for themselves, you believe they can't make the right decisions for themselves... at least, that's how you come across...
There you go, making unsubstantiated accusations based on your own assumptions, again.
I did NOT make the assumption that Trig will not be well-cared for. I am simply concerned about the availability of his parents — and of his mom specifically.
And if there is one thing that I absolutely CAN’T STAND, it is people like you that:
1. Put words in other people’s mouths
2. Label other people based upon your own extremely narrow perceptions of what a person can and cannot be.
I am a fan of this website, but nevertheless there are way, WAY too many people on Free Republic who seem to think that there are only two types of people in the world — staunch, upright conservatives and scumbag liberals. Therefore, by their logic, if anything is said that even slightly sounds to them like a liberal tagline or argument — BAM! — that poster is labeled a liberal. Yep, I am now “just like a liberal” in your eyes. Because if I’m not 100% one way, then I must be 100% the other.
Which is absolute baloney. So, expressing some concern for the fact that Sarah will be very busy, and hoping and praying that she has enough time to devote to her children, makes me just like big liberal government, eh? Wondering how she is going to juggle all of her myriad responsibilities along with motherhood makes me someone who wants to play God and who “knows what’s better for the family more than they do,” is that it?
Your type makes me sick. The major, crucial difference between what I posted and the liberals that you are wrongly accusing me of being a part of, is this: The liberals are callously EXPLOITING the fact that she has 5 kids, one of which has DS, in order to deliberately cast judgment and doubt upon her overall fitness to serve. They pounce on these types of details in order to undermine their opponents.
I, on the other hand, simply brought up a concern that I am sure that even the Palins themselves had before taking this on. These are the facts: The job is extremely demanding and has an incredibly full schedule. She has five kids, and Downs Syndrome kids need special care. I had also heard that the father would still be involved in his commercial fishing business to some extent — not giving it up completely — although this will probably be from a management level from afar, I assume. Perhaps I heard wrong on that, but it is no matter. Simply from the perspective of a mother’s being available to her children, a purely logical thought process would come to the conclusion that the VP position may place more time constraints and stresses on parenthood. Duh...that should be obvious to any logical thinker, no matter what side you’re on.
So I brought up this as a concern — NOT as a political football, NOT as a judgmental “I know better than the Palins” sermon, certainly NOT as a liberal who wants to control family matters, and NOT as someone who thinks that people are incapable of making the right decisions for themselves. Those are all absolute ASSUMPTIONS and wrongly-made conclusions that you have drawn, based upon your narrow way of thinking.
No, I was simply speaking as a PERSON — not a conservative, not a liberal, just another person — who hopes and prays that things work out for the Palins and especially for their children, in light of the demands that they will face.
Now are you going to tell me that there is something wrong with that?
Run along now.