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To: RepublitarianRoger2
It seems that some posters here have no idea what kind of demanding schedule a VP of the United States has to keep. It ain’t no picnic. And a special needs kid has...special needs (go figure) which demand quite a bit more time and patience than a normal kid.

yes it is goodie for them... and it can be for the Palins, too... some people just cannot help but play Holy Spirit in people's lives... you're kind of like the liberals: you know what's best for the Palins... even better than they know... i guess you can be likened to big government, too...

p.s.--i also know two families with down syndrome babies... the level of care required varies for each DS child, just like it varies for different children who do not have DS...

335 posted on 09/05/2008 9:19:20 PM PDT by latina4dubya (self-proclaimed tequila snob)
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To: latina4dubya

No, I am NOT like the liberals, and I am NOT trying to play God. Stop making unsubstantiated assumptions.

As I originally posted, I simply wonder how much time Mrs. Palin will have in her busy schedule to devote to being a mom. It’s a logical thought process, not really an emotional one. Her schedule will be jam-packed. It was already pretty busy as Governor — now it will be much, much more so.

Nuvista’s post actually (ironically) went a long way toward describing my concerns: An army of caretakers will be at their beck and call. Well, that’s just great...An army of professional caretakers does not replace a mom. And being a short motorcade’s drive from your office to your home doesn’t much matter when your schedule is filled with flights to who knows where and non-stop meetings.

I am aware that the level of care varies for each DS child...that is obvious because each child is different. But the child still has DS and still needs special care, no matter which way you try to rationalize it. And Trig is not her only child.

I hope that I will be pleasantly surprised and that Sarah will have enough much-needed time to devote to her kids. Like I said in my original post, I will pray for them and hope for the best.

336 posted on 09/06/2008 6:43:29 AM PDT by RepublitarianRoger2
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