Heres what people can do:
(1) Go here and click on Report abuse then General policy inquiry and ask why *specifically* the Live Action Films videos were removed and request that they restore the videos in channel LiveActionFilms. You need to have a YouTube account to complete the request. Please register and send a request if you have 10 minutes.
(2) Call YouTubes office at (650) 343-2960 and please leave a message on the machine that answers (and says it is experiencing high call volume). Say that you are calling in regards to Live Action Films and want to know the specific reason why the films were taken down and that you would like the videos put back up. Mention that political censorship is unethical and lame.
(3) Call Google at (650) 253-0000 and hit 0 a few times to talk to a human being. Just so you know, YouTube (owned by Google) does not take incoming phone calls, which is part of the problem, so please tell the representative that YouTube should take phone calls in regards to videos that are censored for political reasons, in particular LiveActionFilms videos, and to please forward the message to YouTube.
Live Action’s YouTube campaign in the news:
Google CEO caught on tape, asked why YouTube is censoring life issues videos (and not just Live Action’s):
“YouTube censors criticism of Live Action” by Bob Unruh