Civil War II needs to start sooner than I thought....
I want to see Kos’s ID card for the human race.
CW 2 needs to start with these MSM traitors winging from lampposts
Civil War II needs to start sooner than I thought....
I was alerted to this totally heart felt and understandable comment from a leading member of the the ever vigilant 'CW II Special Ping Forces', the specific operator shall remain anonymous.
Yes indeed, how long will we agree to play word-games with these criminal scum?
Tis a difficult question, indeed!
lotsa journalist propagandists
so few lamposts......pity, we’ll just have to double up
Not necessarily; remember that the most recent analagous situation resulted in four months of bloodletting that cost the nation about 1% of its population. Extrapolated using the figures of our own population [now around 305,048,559, plus some 20 million uninvited illegal foreigners resident here] the toll wopuld be brutal, indeed- and that if we *only* suffered a four-month-long reprise, which seems unlikely. The U.S. War for Southern Independence of the IXX Century cost us about 2% of our male population over the period of 1861-1865, but again, there's no reason to think that a sequel would be primarily limited to male participants.
That might be forestalled if there is a forthcoming elimination of traitors and Fifth Columnists within or population, whether by attrition or a mass migration following the demise of a few of their leading fellows. But if that does not occur, or if it is not enough of a safety valve to allow the release of enough of the building pressure, look for that *1-2% of the population* figure to come pretty close to the numbers of what follows.
But we have been told by our enemies of what they hope is to come:
We have Nicaragua, soon we will have El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Mexico. One day, tomorrow or five years or fifteen years from now, we're going to take 5 to 10 million Mexicans and they are going into Dallas, into El Paso, into Houston, into New Mexico, into San Diego, and each one will have embedded in his mind the idea of killing ten Americans."
--Thomas Borge, Nicaragua Interior Minister, as quoted in the Washington Times, March 27, 1985