If Republicans had pried into a Democrat's life like this the whole story would be about a “witch hunt.”
This is Obambi's moderus operandi. He digs into his opposition's personal lives to uncover scandal or perceived scandal in an attempt to get them to resign and he runs un-opposed.
This worked in the IL Senate race. Obami got a court order to 'unseal' the divorce records of his opponent. Things the opponent didn't want his son to know about, had no bearing on the campaign, or the opponent's ability to be a Senator, but that meant nothing to Obami. In the end the opponent with-drew from the race rather than have certain issues revealed publicly.
This story beginning with Sarah Palin having a fake pregnancy moving into the revelation that Bristol is pregant today has Obami's snake prints all over it. I'm glad Sarah came out today swinging pretty much giving the finger to Obamanation "I'm not backing down." Good for Palin.
you just hit the nail on the head