No, dear, let the record show that I refuse to answer hypotheticals because there’s no reason to do so. Once one engages hypothetical questions, said questions are endless and less and less to the point.
When Reagan ran against Carter, I was 11. How on earth could I posit what I would have done at that time were I older? It’s an exercise in futility, at best, even if you won’t recognize it as intellectual masturbation (which, let’s face it, all hypothetical questions are).
Geez, you are avoiding the question. I didn't ask what you would have done back then when you were 11 years-old. I'm asking you if Reagan was running TODAY, given his marital status when Patti was conceived, would you vote for Reagan today?
Given the despair that I am told permeated the country during the Carter years, I cannot say what I would have done. I was a flaming liberal in my teens and early twenties.
Now you said:
When Reagan ran against Carter, I was 11
Which is it?