I said before and I will say it again. I know how the blogosphere is and anything and everything will be out there and the drive-by media is going to drop this story out there at some point. This is politics and if there is a hint of a problem it will be out there. McCain might be up 10 points the day before the election and this stuff will be thrown out there if it comes to that.
I’ll give an example. Remember the Clinton alleged rape. We all know about that. Personally, I am inclined to believe it. But I also personally talked to one of his former department heads who told me she hung around him all the time and she was not to be believed. Now we believe her. Yet we have a denial from someone who knew him well. We are members of a jury. Who do we believe? What I know for a certain fact is that I wasn’t in the hotel where it took place. I didn’t see it happen. If we are to reach a clear and unambiguous decision we have to go on the facts. People’s testimony is not going to cut it. It inevitably comes down to hard forensic evidence.