Well, the framers of our constitution certainly had a healthy fear of government. If one should do one of those “on the street” interviews and ask some folks what the purpose of our constitution is; most would say it's purpose is to define or state our rights. As most good conservatives know, the purpose of the constitution is to limit the powers of government. In fact,I have heard it said, but am too lazy to count for myself, that the words “the government shall not infringe” or words close to that, at stated seventy eight times in the constitution...
A government big enough to give you all you want is a government big enough to take all you own...
Don’t know who said that, but it’s true. Funny how when the Left advocates government programs, all against them are said to be full of hate or racism. When the Right is in power, they all say government is too powerful. The fundamental difference between conservative and progressive is in the understanding of history and in the considered and healthy mistrust of governmental power.