Sen. John McCain's office in Denver received a letter from what the media has been calling, Eric Ramsey. The problem is in this is this person's real identity is not being shown nor named as his picture reveals on the right.
Mr. Ramsey might have been born under that name, but now goes by the title of, AKEEM RAMSEL EL. If that name sounds Muslim, it is because it is.
Mr. Ramsel El, is part of the same black power movement which Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and Barack Obama all adhere to.
For a most interesting addition, his letter is quoted in full below which he sent John McCain.
Senator McCain,IF you are reading this then you are already Dead!
Unless of course you can't or don't breathe.
There are numerous substances which are deadly for humans to inhale.
There are just as many time periods for signs of illness to show, by which time it's to late.
Who expects to develop cancer 40 years after Vietnam?
Only those that knew the risk and side effects of Agent Orange.
DoD, DOW, Diamond Shamrock, U.S. Surgeon General
You're out of time.
Allahu Akbar
Akeem Ramsel El
End quote.
Mr. Ramsel El by coincidence did not share his anthrax letter with any Democrats. He by coincidence has a name like Barack Hussein Obama, is black and is carrying out a jihad against people not like him.
One doubts if he is going to be casting an illegal Democratic vote from prison for Chuck Baldwin, a white pastor.
In this line, Florida Republican Governor Charlie Crist who is on Sen. McCain's short list for Vice President also received a white powder letter. No origin of place was noted on that letter.
The GOP office in New Hampshire did receive a Denver letter too, but most of the powder had leaked out before it arrived at the office.
That New Hampshire letter spilled white powder from Denver to New Hampshire. That means every postal sorting station having mail moving mail into California to New York had mail exposed to it. If this had been weapons grade anthrax, this agent does not degrade, but will sit in mail bins, airplanes, in sorting bags and on other mail and packages indefinitely. Every person in the United States could be exposed and hundreds of thousands were to this “white powder” no one is taking seriously.
Google search results of the name.
No where of course. Media just said it was not a harmful substance and that was it.
It is now sounding from some of the posts that they were meth heads and one of them just mouthed off.
They better d*mn sure start paying attention.
The muzzies or somebody could use the excitement of the conventions to do something.