If I had room in my yard, I would. Right next to the oil refinery and the nuke plant. Maybe it'll drown out the 'Mexican radio' up the street. ;-)
When finances permit, I'll most likely have to settle on solar panels.
There's already enough reasons to oppose the big windfarms. There's no reason to start making stuff up.
And yes. It sounds exactly like the powerline paranoia of the late 70's.
I'm not making up jack shit, so please spare me the insults. I am neither a liar nor a paranoid.
I am however living just down the hill from where they will be installing one of these eyesores (and earsores) -- turning my FORMERLY "pastoral rural mini-farm" into "a taste of hell."
I used to be able to shoot nice landscape photos from within the borders of my property. Now, well... screw that concept.
And don't give me any crap either about "you live in the country, you live with the stink" -- if they'd wanted to put in a hog farm, they'd get no grief from me.
If I'd wanted to live in an industrial eyesore/earsore location, I could have found somethign a HELL of a lot cheaper than this place cost (and the next guy will naturally pay a hell of a lot less too, as I take a beating when I sell it -- but hey, a small price to pay, for some well-connected fatcat to "Make Money Fast" eh?)