Wow! So how did you come across Free Republic?
Ever spend any time in the states?
(Feel free to tell me to ‘MYOB’ at anytime...)
I’ve always been fascinated by politics and I love following US politics, I find it a lot more interesting and vigorous than politics back home (well actually politics in Northern Ireland when I was growing up in the 1980’s was a little bit too “interesting” but we’ll let that pass). I came across this site way back in 2004 when I was watching that year’s election and the whole Dan Rather thing came up, finding this site and LGF was a breath of fresh air.
Like most people here I was pretty much disgusted by the whole MSM slant on politics and I was delighted to find out that there were actually other people around the world who thought like me. I like to dip in every so often and I like to post articles from the British and Irish press that Freepers might find interesting but wouldn’t otherwise have read.
I spent two summers as a student in the 1980’s working in the New Jersey Cape (for some reason there were an awful lot of students from Ireland working there for the summer back then). I loved the States then and still do and I have been back to visit a couple of times, but now I’m married and settled down in Indonesia (long story) and through the fantastic medium of the internet I’m not completely out of touch with the rest of the civilised world (actually Indonesia is fairly civilised too, I am very fond of the place).
So what about you?