It would not suprise me if those in uniform who have been defending their fellow Americans will say simply “enough” and turned against those tyrants in power. There is just too much respect given to those in the military by patriotic Americans for those in uniform to turn against them.
Yes, you are right, and that was the gist of the conversations I had with soldiers too. No, their combat commanding officers and Sr. NCOs (with the odd exception or two) were not the issue at all.
The discussions centered around possibilities, things like B.O. Plenty creating a separate “civilian corps” of somekind, “larger than the military” he said, very dubious, THOSE are the sort of things to keep an eye on.
He has in the back of my mind to creat a Gestapo-type organization, to keep the “populace” in line, all Marxists think along those lines, all we have to do is look at their history.