Rather than focus on the joker who is the apparent DemocRat candidate, I’d focus on the more important question:
What Would Reagan Do?
Can’t say exactly, but I think Reagan would be more decisive in calling for immediate diplomatic steps, such as dumping Russia from G8, possibly convening a special meeting of NATO leaders to present a solid front and calling what Russia is doing by its proper name: naked aggression.
Another thing really drives me nuts: why doesn’t someone call the Rooskies on the idiotic concept that a defensive missle shield is somehow an offensive act calling for “a response beyond diplomacy”? A missle shield is there to shield against missles (Duh). You can’t fire a missle shield against another country. If it were placed next to a missle launching location or other installation expressly designed for attacking Russia, I could see the argument.
My guess on this is that the Russians believe that a missile defense system reduces the political efficacy/clout that derives from their inventory of nuclear weapons. These weapons are basically a poker chip that Russia believes allows them to project power and influence.