Posted on 08/16/2008 11:12:47 PM PDT by
He was his usual Ich bin ein beginner self...
I think that this race is a gift from God. Now we have a verbal slip by Barackula— the ultimate prochoice candidate, making a verbal slip that no prochoicer will appreciate — it exposes the illogic of the pro-death movement. If I could have wished for a democrat candidate, someone this vulnerable would not even have come to mind. Will he survive his convention? I truly hope so.
“I think its fascinating that Obama was able to give the one answer that could completely offend all people on all sides of the abortion issue at once.”
“ his own admission then, to go forwards with the killing of millions of children based on his desire to gain power and cater to the feminists... “
I just knew you would have a strong response.
[Sorry for the redundant ping on another thread.]
“I think its fascinating that Obama was able to give the one answer that could completely offend all people on all sides of the abortion issue at once.”
I’m still laughing at that remark. So true!
“A president doesn’t have the luxury of demurring on this subject and so his answer, in addition to being an evasion, is also a cop-out.”
I think it’s a route. He has fled the field. His prochoice base must feel abandoned by their champion. Someone prochoice— especially someone who favors live birth abortion— can only lead through sounding convinced that the child is not alive. Otherwise, we are ‘possibly’ committing murder through abortion. And anyone who wants to take pot shots at a moving shadow can hope it’s a deer, but that’s criminal negligence.
I didn’t watch the forum, so don’t know the context of this remark, but when I read it I took it to mean that the decision about when life begins is God’s.
I don’t think the pay grade remark referred to the Presidency. I think it was intended to mean that it was above his pay grade to play God. So on this particular issue, he won’t take a moral stand. Although he doesn’t seem to mind taking moral stands on just about every other issue pertaining to government intrusion into private lives.
Either way, it was a flippant answer which could be taken in many different ways, none of them positive.
[Was laughing to hard to remember my own response!]
Well if he won’t answer a simple question directly, I guess we’ll have to refer to his voting record to figure it out.
Or scientist. Or president. However, community organizer might be a good position for him.
Would a guy like that ever have the nerve to carpet bomb or launch a retaliatory nuclear strike? Would he be tempted to pardon serial killers? And also— what kind of judges would he respect? The man is as flawed as the day is long. And the truth is, he had the nerve to support dumping babies in filthy utility rooms until they die. Oh he has nerve alright. He's phony, twisted, and potentially dangerous if he were smart enough to fool us.
I agree. One would be hard pressed to come up with an answer more fully efficient at repelling everyone.
Even more amazing is that the question would hardly be considered a blindside at a religious forum. It would be the one Obama and his handlers would have prepared for above all others. And that's the answer they calculated to hit it out of the park, the one sound bite the press and pundits would seize upon with admiring awe. Oh yeah.
Congratulations, Obama. Your smug-ass, too-clever-by half sound bite is destined for entry into the public lexicon, all right. It's now going to be your tagline, attached by every pundit, columnist and commentator to anything you say from hence forward: "But of course, it's above his pay grade" or "I guess that's above his pay grade too." Nyuk nyuk.
Brilliant! Love it.
Its Barry/Hillary in Nov.
Nah, it's been used here frequently. I just borrowed it. It fit perfectly, though.
How very un-obamalike of you to not take credit for work that’s not yours. You’d probably return a lost wallet to its owner with cash intact, too. You conservatives are all alike. :-)
Well, kudos to whomever thought up the phrase. It really is brilliant.
Either he has an opinion but he is hiding it (which I suspect) or he is one of those many libs who does NOT have opinions unless he has walked that path. Since he is not a woman, he doesn’t dare to have an opinion about it. Which is spineless.
Your choice — spineless or a liar.
Obama’s abortion answer to woman:
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