The Declaration of Independence lists a number of “unalienable rights, among them, and foremost, is “the Right to Life.” It is a right, and no human being has the right to take it away - certainly not when we are talking about a baby’s life. There is a legal term for taking a defenseless baby’s life: Murder.
The punishment for murder is often execution. Do you favor that?
Innocent civilians are killed in war. Do you support war?
A fetus is not a baby. A baby breaths on its own, eats on its own, excretes waste on its own and is somewhat aware of the human environment; the developing fetus within a womb is not in that category - especially in the early stages.
As far as human life is concerned, if life is the only consideration then we should be against capital punishment and war under any and all circumstances. The argument for self defense is like the argument for health of the mother - they both can be abused.