I think America’s only hope is all the Democrats like the ones who have told me over the past few months that they are “scared” of Obama. I expect DemocRAT voter fraud to be rampant everywhere in November. The Socialists, Marxists and Communists have invested a lot of money getting their puppet, B. Hussein Obama to where he is now. They will not allow this election to get away from them. Their dream of a poverty-stricken, third world America is close to finally becoming a reality. IMHO!!!!
The more citizenships he can collect, the better to present himself as truly a Global President.
McCain was not my first choice, but I’ll be there for him at the polling place and start standing in line at 6:30 AM on November 4, if need be. The Empty Suit may win, or even carry Iowa, but not because *I* was asleep on the job.
I’m with you.......I’m voting for whoever is running against Obama.
“The more citizenships he can collect, the better to present himself as truly a Global President.”
LOL. I love that sentence.