McCain already has military experience. Palin provides the fiscal and social conservatism.
Plus she has sons serving in Iraq as well. She would really balance the ticket out and help McCain bring in conservatives.
Picking Palin is a no-brainer. She has held elective office since 1992 - 16 years of experience. Maybe it's just a hodge-podge of local offices and such, but it's far more experience than either Hillary or Obama ever had.
This woman is more than ready. All McCain has to do is ask. If McCain chooses her, I'd walk over broken glass to vote for him.
A sucker for nice legs, apparently. I’d take Jindal over Palin if you want a ‘bold move’. Much better resume. However, McCain should choose Fred, or Hunter, or Santorum, or Sanford, or Sessions or Ollie or or or, but he won’t. In other words, he needs a man who can take over and be an improvement if Mccain keels over.
With Russia and China and Iran and venezuela to deal with, it is no time for a neophyte female governor.
Palin and Jindal need to prove themselves over a period of time.