Dittos! Any drilling package brought to the floor by the democrat party will be laden with pork, provisions for amnesty, enactment of the Fairness Dogma, termination of the Defense of Marriage Act, etc. The act won’t just have just one poison pill, it will be lousy with them. Even if it gets out of the House, the senate will laugh it into oblivion.
Of course it could come to pass that only one poison pill will be attached. The fun will be in watching how the pill is selected. The queers, the illegals, the communists, all will be in full throat trying to be the chosen one.
Get the popcorn ...
We are talking about letting the ban expire. Not enacting legislation. However, the ban will be attached to some “must have” appropriations bill as it always is, and the republicans would have to filibuster and shut down the government or the president would have to veto it and shut down the government. Either way, things could get exciting.