Tried to give it, you won’t pay attention.
Honestly, I am not trying to bicker with you for no particular reason. As a dog owner and lover, I understand the feeling any loving and competent pet owner has toward their dogs. If you have a pit bull that you say is your sweetheart, I do not doubt you one bit.
I admit my prejudice. My dog and I were attacked by a pit bull one day on a walk. While his owner (a neighbor, two kids, white picket fence, etc.) just stood there telling me, “oh , he won’t hurt you,” his pit had my dog pinned down with its jaws around my dog’s neck. I kicked it and it turned on me, snarling and poised to jump. A lady driving by stopped her car and jumped out to help us. By the Good Lord’s blessing, she just happened to have worked at a humane shelter and later told me she had had experience handling pits. The owner finally came to take control of his beast, still insisting that his dog would never hurt anyone or anything.
I shiver to think what would have happened had that lady not stopped to help. My dog had a puncture wound on his neck but luckily, it was not fatal. He will not walk within a block of that house and has an unnatural fear of most dogs. Meanwhile, this fool owner still lets his dog run loose, especially around his children.
Sorry, I hate them. I believe they are inherently vicious and nothing will change my mind.