Your comment is at best incompetent but more than likely intentionally misleading.
I am the owner of a pitbull (my second).
I appreciate the breed very much but the fact is that they are naturally and incomparably aggressive. Some more than others but it is simply the breeds instinct. They do not need to be trained to be aggressive.
It is my opinion that only people who are naturally themselves Alpha Male, should own one of these animals.
An owner must set down very strong guidelines for this animal, otherwise...there is a stronger than normal possibility for one of them to attack another animal or human being.
It just is what it is.
But I love mine and feel overwhelmingly confident in its ability to defend and protect me and my family.
They can be very sweet dogs.
FYI: A dangerous mix is having a female pitbull that belongs to an incompetent male owner.
Thank you for that post, I totally agree!