Except the pioneers weren’t looking to live on government largesse.
We are a nation of laws. Illegal aliens show that they are quite willing to break our laws if it is to their benefit - they are similar to burglars who break into a house and they decide to stay.
The conditions in post 9/11 American are different from pioneer days. We have every right to protect ourselves from terrorists, other violent criminals - many of the pedophiles and rapists, and riffraff out to scam us.
No nation who fails to protect its borders can survive. We have every right to protect our way of life - and it is the survival of this country that is threatened by this invasion.
What wimps to surrender to this invasion and moan, "There are too many of them, nothing we can do, they are 'God's children.' Let the run over us." Of course we can and should take action.
They wouldn’t qualify as “assets.”
There are plenty of them that stand on their own two feet.