> Aren’t the Olympics supposed to be the purist form of sports?
No. The Olympics has nothing to do with Sports. The Olympics is supposed to be a showcase for the host country, a 24x7 infomercial for the sponsors, and an opportunity for steroid-enhanced monsters to compete against real Athletes and earn megabucks in sponsorships for “winning”.
> Will cheating in sports ever end?
There is no cheating in Sports. But there is plenty of cheating in the Olympics.
And these are the ChiCom Olympics — we all knew that the ChiComs are as crooked as a tub-of-guts, so why is anyone surprised that they are proving to be superb cheats?
Indeed, I would be bitterly disappointed in the ChiComs DIDN’T cheat better than anyone else.
That is why they are ChiComs. And they are doing what they do best.
Yes. The Olympics is a picture of Sport but, as with a movie, the sportsmen, especially of countries to which winning is a “showcase” of ideological or national superiority, the parts are all played by actors with scripts, maybe even with stunt doubles.