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Platform Confirms Dems Still 'Don't Get It' about Gun Rights, Says CCRKBA
Business Wire ^ | August 12, 2008

Posted on 08/12/2008 1:35:26 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet

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To: Turret Gunner A20

Of course I did. I didn’t expect otherwise. I’ll try again:

41 posted on 08/13/2008 3:15:16 PM PDT by Shooter 2.5 (NRA - Vote against the dem party)
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To: Turbopilot
First off your attempt to make your point about gun control laws being racist because the majority of unlawful gun use in riots is found to be amongst minorities who are the most frequent rioters, is so far from being valid proof of that fallasy as to be almost funny.

That would be like saying that treating far more sickle cell anemia cases among black people [who in fact are afflicted with that condition then other races in far greater numbers than any other race] makes treating more blacks with that ailment a racist thing to do.

You seem to be working under the misapprehension that for a policy to have a racist or biased background or overtones, it needs to explicitly state that it applies only to a given race, and that it is enforced exclusively against members of a given race.

If you want to discuss this mess with me, please read what I say, and naot twist it all out of shape. I DID NOT say anything that could possibly be construed as meaning anything close to that nonsense.

Neither is true,....

At least that makes sense.

... and Jim Crow laws aren't acceptable today just because they get enforced against some white folks now too.

No, honest to God, I an not that damned dumb, even if you think I am. I became aware of their unconscionability many years before I finished High School in Virginia; and way long before I took to court my first case against the bigotry and racism of those extremely cruel laws. In fact I was fighting against that asinine cruelty probably before you were even a gleam in your daddy's eye.

You seem to be working under the misapprehension that for a policy to have a racist or biased background or overtones, it needs to explicitly state that it applies only to a given race, and that it is enforced exclusively against members of a given race. Neither is true, and Jim Crow laws aren't acceptable today just because they get enforced against some white folks now too.

42 posted on 08/13/2008 8:18:51 PM PDT by Turret Gunner A20 (The FairTax -- Â… the largest magnet for capital and jobs in history. John Snow)
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To: Shooter 2.5
Very Good -- but worthless. a 5057 word document taht is interesting reading about longtime, uncionscionable miscariage of justice -- NONE of which; proves that all [or any] gun control laws TODAY are passed with THE SOLE INTENT OF DEPRIVING ANY MINORITIES OF THEIR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS. It may work out that way because more minorities get caught breaking those asinine laws, but the still DOES NOT prove anything, one way or the other about THE INTENT behind the passage of the law. Results do not always prove intent.

zzzzzzzznow, if you cannot understand that simple fcrt, please don't waste any more of my time or yours regurgitating your appleps v. oranges business.

43 posted on 08/13/2008 8:55:39 PM PDT by Turret Gunner A20 (The FairTax -- Â… the largest magnet for capital and jobs in history. John Snow)
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To: Turret Gunner A20

I didn’t think you would get it.

44 posted on 08/14/2008 5:11:37 AM PDT by Shooter 2.5 (NRA - Vote against the dem party)
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To: Shooter 2.5
I didn’t think you would get it.

If you don't have enough of a command of the English language to explain what in the hell you are talking about, just buzz off and leave me alone.

45 posted on 08/14/2008 5:51:28 AM PDT by Turret Gunner A20 (The FairTax -- Â… the largest magnet for capital and jobs in history. John Snow)
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To: DuncanWaring
Well said..

In the early days of our republic, no one but slaves or indians were unconstitutionally prohibited from carrying arms.

The 14th tried to make it clear that fed/state/local 'laws' on keeping/bearing could not be enforced without due process of [constitutional] law..

Needless to say, that principle is being ignored..

46 posted on 08/14/2008 2:12:46 PM PDT by jtom36
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To: Turret Gunner A20
As far as I have been able to determine, "Saturday Night Special" is a term applied to cheaply made, inexpensive hand guns;

It's racist as most of the folks who can only afford inexpensive handguns are the poor. Ask any lib and they'll tell you that the poor are predominately black.


47 posted on 08/14/2008 2:18:22 PM PDT by Lurker (Islam is an insane death cult. Any other aspects are PR to get them within throat-cutting range.)
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