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To: impeachedrapist
The President has no business doing the House Republicans’ work for them.

The house Republicans can NOT call congress back into session, but Prince George can. The movement needs momentum, nation wide momentum NOW, we don't have that. Prince George could have supplied that by forcing the MSM to cover the issue that the vast majority of people favor. Pelosi will probably ride this out when she and the Rats could have been defeated quickly and soundly. A great opportunity is in the process of being squandered....again!

62 posted on 08/11/2008 8:25:28 AM PDT by The Cajun (Mind numbed robot , ditto-head, Hannitized, Levinite)
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To: The Cajun

Ahhh yes, blaming the President for all the world’s problems. How quaint and unique.

Had President Bush immediately called them back into session, this would have been portrayed as a joint Bush/GOP conspiracy. While the Dems will likely still portray it as such down the road, that argument won’t carry as much weight if this is seen as a bottom-up movement. Dubya’s not on the ballot this time around. He doesn’t need to excite the Pubbie masses. The GOP reps and senators, plus McCain (try not to laugh), need to do the inspirational work.

If only people like you would put half as much energy into contacting their representatives and fighting for conservative policy positions and politicians as you do trashing a somewhat conservative President and a decent man...

66 posted on 08/11/2008 8:34:14 AM PDT by impeachedrapist
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To: The Cajun
The Prez may be able to call them back but he cannot force a vote. It's up to the House Repubs and the people.

Oil fight could trigger a federal shutdown

67 posted on 08/11/2008 8:34:51 AM PDT by DJ MacWoW ("Make yourself sheep, and the wolves will eat you" Benjamin Franklin)
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To: The Cajun
And Nancy and the Dems can promptly adjourn again. The ONLY thing that is going to work is the American people forcing the Democrats back to work. The thought of the President calling a special session may make the screamingbots all moist in the panties, it does nothing to move the Energy Independence bill to the floor for a vote.

The American people want a solution here, not a political football that can be kicked around by the Talk Radio crowd thur election day then forgotten. Having the President call a special session makes this a partisan issue robbing the GOP revolt of a great deal of it's current credibility. It would turn this into a Bush vrs Congress issue. Right now it is a people vrs DC issue. That is it's true power.

A Special Session forced on the Congress by the President would be a politically dumb move at this point. It would make the issue a partisan, rather then populist, one.

How about the usual suspects try focusing for once on the REAL enemies here, the Do Nothing Democrat Leadership? There are plenty of other threads for them to go vent their knee jerk BDS rather then trying to divert this one off topic.

71 posted on 08/11/2008 8:42:56 AM PDT by MNJohnnie ( ---- Get involved, make a difference.)
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To: The Cajun

The President can make them sit there, but only the Party leaders can call the Session to order.

100 posted on 08/11/2008 10:00:32 AM PDT by saveliberty (Prayer blizzard for the Snow family. Tony was a blessing unto us all. We will miss him.)
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To: The Cajun
The house Republicans can NOT call congress back into session, but Prince George can. The movement needs momentum, nation wide momentum NOW, we don't have that. Prince George could have supplied that by forcing the MSM to cover the issue that the vast majority of people favor. Pelosi will probably ride this out when she and the Rats could have been defeated quickly and soundly. A great opportunity is in the process of being squandered....again!

Sorry....I like this being drawn out. Also wondering if the 5 Senators had a different reason for making the move that they made. Holding fire for now while FULLY supporting what the House Republicans are doing. This opportunity will only be squandered if WE stop making noise.
112 posted on 08/11/2008 10:23:13 AM PDT by Eagle of Liberty (Ownership, Individuality, Freedom, Responsibility - The Backbone of Conservatism -
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To: The Cajun

How is the President going to “force” the MSM to cover the House? This is the Congressman’s “workplace” and it’s up to them to protest the shutting down by Nancy—turning off the lights, etc. This way the American people are able to see and hear the protest—first-hand. I’m talking about the tourists who are flocking to the House to see and hear it for themselves. Grass Roots support!

These vacationing Congressman are more apt to get an earful from their constituents, who are paying for their 5 weeks off, who can’t afford a vacation while struggling to pay inflated gas prices. Hope they are being hammered!

I have called my Congressman’s 2 local offices and his D.C. office to vent my anger. How dare he go off on vacation and ignore the people’s business. Have you?

130 posted on 08/11/2008 11:34:09 AM PDT by GoldwaterChick (We Snowflakes will always remember our beloved Snowman with the incandescent smile.)
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