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NY Magazine's Heilemann: McCain Plans to 'Viciously' Stir Up Racism
NewsBusters ^
| Mark Finkelstein
Posted on 08/11/2008 5:22:32 AM PDT by governsleastgovernsbest
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To: Behind Liberal Lines; Miss Marple; an amused spectator; netmilsmom; Diogenesis; MEG33; PGalt; ...
You racist Wonder Bread America ping to Today show list.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
BO is black? Wow. Next they’ll be saying that Kerry was in Viet Nam.
posted on
08/11/2008 5:26:16 AM PDT
(For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
God Bless Mr. Finkelstein for digging this stuff up and exposing it.
If I have to vote according to COLOR ...
I will Always vote white ..over RED!!
posted on
08/11/2008 5:29:12 AM PDT
(I'll never vote for a LIBERAL ... even if they Do have an (R) after their name.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
It seems, according to the NYT, New York is more racist than wonder bread America. See
here for election tallies from the primary which the hOly One lost to the beast.
posted on
08/11/2008 5:31:35 AM PDT
Nomorjer Kinov
(If the opposite of "pro" is "con" , what is the opposite of progress?)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
It was white Democrats not voting for Obama in the primary!
posted on
08/11/2008 5:31:40 AM PDT
Farmer Dean
(168 grains of instant conflict resolution)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Heilemann = Snob
I sense that a lot of people are tired of having race thrown in their faces. The problem with Obama is not his skin color.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
posted on
08/11/2008 5:32:20 AM PDT
(John McCain - For the LOVE of Country)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Already setting up excuses for an Obama loss.
Couldn’t possibly be because Americans do not want a far left socialist running America. Has to be the color of his skin.
Sorry nimrod. I can assure you that if Onama was as white as Ivory Snow I would not vote for him and would work to see that he would never be elected to any position of power.
There are several AMERICANS that have black skin that I would readily vote for into an office of power. Just as there are slews of whites that I would never under any circumstances vote for.
posted on
08/11/2008 5:33:49 AM PDT
(Got Freedom ? Thank a Veteran...... Want to keep Freedom? Don't vote Obama)
To: gwilhelm56
I join you in calling on God to bless Finkelstein. Then again, I am Finkelstein [governs=MF].
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Seeing that their guy is running behind Dukakis at this time the left and the media are panicking. They're playing the race card way too early. It would have been much more effective in say October. Surprise.
posted on
08/11/2008 5:34:40 AM PDT
(In loving memory of a lost FRiend YaYa123.)
To: Nomorjer Kinov
You’re point is well taken, but just for the record Heilemann writes for “New York” magazine, not the NYT or its magazine section.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Ha! Every time something happens McCain is apologising for it. Obama himself is using racism for his support, and they’re gonna blame it on McCain?
posted on
08/11/2008 5:36:54 AM PDT
(Qwerty ergo typo : I type, therefore I misspelll.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
LOL ... from another member of the “CITY OF EVIL” , I’ll take blessings from ANYWHERE ... I need all the help I can GET!!
posted on
08/11/2008 5:37:55 AM PDT
(I'll never vote for a LIBERAL ... even if they Do have an (R) after their name.)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Wow...seems as if the lefties are getting a little desperate.
Kind of early for that sort of hyperbole, isn't it, Dems?
posted on
08/11/2008 5:40:07 AM PDT
(Goodness me, goodness me, industrial disease...)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
I think the masses are tired of the Racism baloney. It is going to go the way of Global Warming baloney. We have a perfect right to discriminate. Except in legal matters. I judge people on how they behave not on what they look like.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
The black community is totally race based as far as their voting patterns are concerned.
obama will get 90% of the black vote.
unfortunately for him - it might not be enough.
To: screaminsunshine
**I think the masses are tired of the Racism baloney.**
I use the following when I’m called RACIST ...
I look them Square in the eyes and say... What? you’ve run out of Talking points, ALREADY?? I WIN!! ... then turn around and quietly walk away, enjoying hearing them sputter and babble in the distance.
posted on
08/11/2008 5:51:47 AM PDT
(I'll never vote for a LIBERAL ... even if they Do have an (R) after their name.)
To: palomonte
Try 95% of the black vote as a minimum.
posted on
08/11/2008 5:52:20 AM PDT
To: governsleastgovernsbest
"Conservatives are more racist than the population at large..."Are they crazy? Wonder where those impressions are from...where do they get them? [/s]
posted on
08/11/2008 6:00:51 AM PDT
("It aint what you don't know that kills you. It's what you know that aint so" Theodore Sturgeon))
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