WHO is PAYING for the house in Santa Barbara and all the other things??? HELLO, IRS!!!!
Actually Mr.Fred Baron, a barrister from Dallas, Texas has said he is paying for the Young Family and Ms.Hunter/Rielle and the baby, to live in a $4.3 house in Los Angeles, city of angels. It is widely reported that Mr.and Mrs. Young and their 2 kids are receiving $20,000 and Ms.Hunter is receiving $15,000 per month. He is doing this simply to help 2 friends. Mr.Baron said he would say nothing else about this matter. We shall see. Of course, it is also reported that $1.082 million miracuously found its way from the Edwards campaign coffers/527 into the account of a Dallas lawyer,and friend and supporter of John Edwards, one Fred Baron. He has said all he will say on the matter.....perhaps.....but the Federal Elections laws may say otherwise, as may the IRS as may the Justice Department as may some disctrict court judge who hears this case. Lots of questions yet to be ansered, and not just from those of us voyeuristic observers who follow politics.
Really. Where did this money come from? Was Baron using his own funds or is it campaign funds? Possible violation of campaign finance laws? Nah, RATS wouldn't do that, now would they?
Who is paying taxes on this money? Are taxes being paid on this money?
Baron is also a fundraiser for Obama. This could get real interesing.