Sounds just like the kind of thing we generally like to get ourselves in the middle of... ;)
There are plenty of `sabre-rattlers’ around today. Following the French and German experiences a saying was coined: ‘Russia is a lot easier to get into than out of.’
We have never fought the Russians/Soviets and the reason is obvious to anyone with a room temperature IQ or higher.
However, as a postscript, I might—I say, I say—I might just be willin’ to roll the dice on a `War between the States’ II/Redux.
Why, this whole federalism (snort!) rigamorole has gotten entirely—I say, suh—entirely out of hand! Fie and fiddlesticks!
So as far as sabre-rattlin’ goes, why—look at me when I’m talkin’ to ya boy, there you go—ah say, why go all the way `round the world when this heah might be as good a place as any to start a-warrin’ and such. . .