Obama-Clooney '08: Substitute campaign slogan here.
But here's some ideas for the bumper stickers at the DNC.
Because it's better to look good than to sound smart.
The experience of Chicago street politics, with all the morals of Hollywood.
Our George is cuter than their George.
White House of the Stars.
This is the moment the Ocean's 11 began to rise.
Because sometimes, experience is overrated.
lets film oceans 69 after this fund raiser just you and me Barry
You are very clever.
Clooney is gay, maybe a little bi, but mostly gay. Not that Clooney and Obama are intimate in that, but Drudge is hinting at something with this pic. He chooses his pics on purpose.
Clooney is gay, maybe a little bi, but mostly gay. Not that Clooney and Obama are intimate in that, but Drudge is hinting at something with this pic. He chooses his pics on purpose.