At least one will know that one's vote registered on the meter as being a Conservative, and not a liberal Republican.
I would rather cast a vote to prevent Obama from taking office than to stand on my conservative high-horse. Why, because the country deserves better than Obama and believe me McCain is better. That said McCain was not my first or second or even third choice, but my goodness look at the alternative. I care more for the future of my country than to let a Marxist take over the presidency.
Maybe that's your problem. I can't stand McCain but I can't stand letting Obama win more. I won't be voting for McCain, but I will vote for him to keep Obama out.
As for Barr. He's no Ross Perot. He'll be lucky not to get beat by Nadar.
I can see that. The answer is simple. To me, conservatism has a lot to do with common sense, and being mature enough to make hard choices, even when they don't feeeeeel good. A rational acceptance of reality is also helpful. With those things in mind, the choice is amazingly easy to make.
The guy is going to get his clocked cleaned by Obambi seven ways to Sunday
You hope he does. You betray yourself though. You want to be "liberated" from making a real choice, so you convince yourself it's a fait accompli. That way, you can vote for what makes you feel good, with no regard for consequences. Problem for you is that McCain and Obama are in a tight race, and our votes WILL have consequences. But you give yourself away by saying you believe it's ok to vote for a nobody because the outcome is already certain. No--it isn't. You're not off the hook. Sorry.
At least one will know that one's vote registered on the meter as being a Conservative, and not a liberal Republican.
Like most third party voters, you are choosing to do what feels good to you, rather than make a substantive choice.
You are not worried about it (by your words at least) but over in the Eisenhower Building, I can assure you they are certainly worried about independent Conservatives
They may be worried about the 3-5% that may vote for a loser party. That makes sense. They need all the votes they can get. Again you betray yourself. They are worried about this tiny voting block because it's a tight race, despite your delusions to the contrary. But no one is worried about a third party winning, because it's not going to happen.
It's going to be a tight race. Every vote counts. In my view, real conservatives will have the guts to make the right choice. Those who would rather feel good and eat candy can sit at the kids' table while the adults eat their vegetables. Nothing new here.
“(Men Who Died in Wars For Our Voting Rights Also Did So For The Right To Vote 3rd Party Conservative?)”
Who is this magical 3’rd Party Conservative that you speak of? Aren’t you supporting that defeatist Bob Barr?