By that token, so are most diseases. You won't get tetanus if you avoid deep skin punctures, and you probably won't get the common cold if you avoid crowds and wash your hands frequently.
“By that token, so are most diseases. You won’t get tetanus if you avoid deep skin punctures, and you probably won’t get the common cold if you avoid crowds and wash your hands frequently”
Maybe she should have said HIV and AIDS is about unnatural, abnormal, immoral, filthy, disease riddled behavior.
My son had to get stitches the other day for a skateboarding accident where sharp metal went through his calf. He’s out skateboarding right now with stitches in his leg. Tetanus shots up to date. Normal, natural childhood behavior.
That’s good answer. Wallow in filth and body fluids everyday, drink contaminated water and eat rotten food. It’s just six of one and half a dozen of the other.
That’s a ridiculous analogy. “Deep skin punctures” occur accidentally. OTOH unprotected sex is a choice.
AIDS is a preventable illness sucking up precious health care dollars it does not merit, at least in US. Africa is another story.
Apples and oranges. Practically nobody would voluntarily step on a rusty nail if they could help it - when this or other incidents that largely contribute to the contraction of tetanus occur, they are accidental and often unavoidable. Likewise, catching the common cold is often unavoidable since most everybody will with fair regularity have to interact with crowds of people, and no amount of hand-washing can protect against the guy who sneezes on a crowded elevator.
AIDS, on the other hand, is pretty much only transmittable if you are engaging in unprotected sex (hetero or homo) or are using dirty needles for intravenous drug use. In other words - ENTIRELY avoidable behaviours.
To say that these other diseases are behaviour-driven in the same way that AIDS is is simply sand-poundingly stupid.