To: Virginia Ridgerunner
I called the DC number. Toll free goes to the Carlisle office.
262 posted on
08/01/2008 10:41:26 AM PDT by
(Obama is making me vote for McCain)
To: WakeUpAndVote
278 posted on
08/01/2008 10:47:09 AM PDT by
Virginia Ridgerunner
("We must not forget that there is a war on and our troops are in the thick of it!"--Duncan Hunter)
To: WakeUpAndVote
Rush is talking about this now, top of hour.
409 posted on
08/01/2008 11:09:01 AM PDT by
(About Obama: "Overinflated balloons pop suddenly and catastrophically." - Bill Dupray) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson