Is is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility, that indeed the billions of oil dollars sloshing around US boardrooms, may have been a factor in why — all the US automakers continue to turn out large vehicles which cannot use any fuel other than gasoline...
While the rest of the world seizes on alternatives, such as flex-fuel.
This poster considers it very likely.
We need to change that.
Adopt an E-85 flex fuel vehicle today. :)
In the early 90’s I closely followed what was going on in Congress relative to the ethanol v. methanol debate. From everthing I read at the time, methanol was a superior technology-but ADM and Andreas exerted CON$IDERABLE influence on congress in order to sway the vote and this country’s focus toward ethanol-we’ll now we’re all seeing how well that all worked out. (and ozoneman Al Gore use to brag about breaking the tie vote).