25 of the 32,279 proposed “cuts” were to the Sierra Nevada Conservancy (and 61 to the Coastal Commission).
Pretty disgusting that they *have* 25 employees, IMO.
If the legislature democrats would put down the crack pipe and start working for the peoel insead of trying to figure out ways to fleece the people, or to screw the population out of every civil right they have. But instead this bunch of braindead wates of oxygen want to teach communism in the schools. They want the students to knwo state is mother and state is father. When the people do not need the state at all.
The whole bunch (the entire state government, every last state government employee, including teachers, professors and secratarys and everyother position.)should be thrown out and sent to Siberia.
I’m being nice today. LOL
I admire your snooping ability so much! You find out everything important!! I sometimes hate to ping you for fear it’ll take you away from your excellent sleuthing!!!